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A00 Irregular + Polish (1.b4)
Van Geet Opening: General
Dirk Daniel Van Geet vs Guyt, 1967
1-0, 15 moves ("As Good as it Geets")
www.chessgames.com id =  1335774 (#671)
[Event "Unknown"]
[Site "Paramaribo"]
[Date "1967.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Dirk Daniel Van Geet"]
[Black "Guyt"]
[ECO "A00"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "30"]
1.Nc3 {Notes by Eric Schiller. This opening is traditionally known in America as the Dunst, but in Holland and most of Europe it is the Van Geet, named for Dirk van Geet who has played and promoted it most of his life. It is a somewhat unorthodox opening but often transposes into such main lines as the French, Caro Kann or Closed Sicilian. The development of the knight at c3 is a normal move in and of itself. This opening will be treated in greater depth in Unorthodox Chess Openings, but the present game is a sample of the unique plan with which van Geet is associated, and also contains a reference to a very famous game attributed to Napeoleon.} d5 2.e4 {Now Black can switch to the French with 2...e6, Caro-Kann with 2...c6, Alekhine via 2...Nf6, or Scandinavian Defense with just about any other move. If Black advances to d4, the position takes on a more original flavor, while the capture at e4 still leaves a variety of transpositional possibilities available.} d4 3.Nce2 e5 4.Ng3 { Looking at this position we see the rationale behind White's play. Although Black has occupied the dark squares in the center, this formation can later be undermined by such moves as c3 and f4. The knight has already been transferred to the kingside, where it can take part in an attack, and White does have a slight lead in development.} g6 {A logical reaction, which enables the fianchetto of the dark-squared bishop and denies access to f5 and h5 which might otherwise be useful to White.} 5.Bc4 Bg7 6.d3 c5 7.Nf3 Nc6 8.c3 { White establihes a little tension in the center, though strictly speaking this is not a the real point of the move. Instead, the idea is to be able to deploy the queen at b3, creating a powerful battery with the bishop, aiming at the vulnerable f7-square.} Nge7 9.Ng5 O-O {Now White has a surprising attacking move.} 10.Nh5 {!} Bh8 {Black tries to preserve the bishop, but this leads to disaster. 10...gxh5 11.Qxh5 h6 12.Nxf7 is obviously unacceptable. 10...Na5 11.Nxg7 Nxc4! 12.dxc4 Kxg7 is necessary.} 11.Qf3 Qe8 12.Nf6+ Bxf6 13.Qxf6 dxc3 {?} {This loses by force. Again it was necessary to harrass the bishop at c4 by ... Na5.} 14.Nxf7 Rxf7 15.Bh6 {and Black had no defense.} 1-0

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