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A51 Budapest Gambit (Fajarowicz)
Budapest Defense: Fajarowicz Variation
Alexander Alekhine vs Savielly Tartakower, 1932
1-0, 33 moves
www.chessgames.com id =  1012841 (#124)
[Event "London (07)"]
[Site "London (07)"]
[Date "1932.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Alexander Alekhine"]
[Black "Savielly Tartakower"]
[ECO "A51"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "63"]
1. d4 {Notes by A. Alekhine} Nf6 2. c4 e5 3. dxe5 Ne4 {Less usual, but not better than 3...Ng4 against which I have had (excepting the Gilg game, Semmering, 1926) rather pleasant experiences, too.} 4. Nd2 Nc5 {If 4...Bb4 then 5 Nf3 followed by a3, in order to obtain the advantage of the two Bishops.} 5. Ngf3 Nc6 6. g3 Qe7 7. Bg2 g6 8. Nb1 {! This at first sight surprising move is in reality perfectly logical. After Black has clearly shown his intention to develop the King's Bishop at g7, White has no longer to reckon with any action on the diagonal e1-a5. There is no reason, therefore, for delay in placing his Knight on the dominating square d5.} Nxe5 9. O-O Nxf3+ 10. exf3 Bg7 11. Re1 Ne6 12. Nc3 O-O 13. Nd5 Qd8 14. f4 c6 {He has willy-nilly to dislodge the White Knight--thus creating a dangerous weakness at d6--because after the immediate 14 d6 the temporary sacrifice 15 f5, etc., would be too dangerous for him.} 15. Nc3 d6 16. Be3 Qc7 17. Rc1 Bd7 18. Qd2 Rad8 19. Red1 Bc8 20. Ne4 Nc5 {This will be finally refuted by the combination starting with White's 24th move--but owing to the weakness mentioned above Black's position was already very difficult. Unsatisfactory would be, for instance, 20 d5 21 cxd5 Rxd5 22 Nf6+, followed by 23 Bxd5 etc., winning the exchange; or 20 ...c5 21 f5! gxf5 22 Nc3 Nd4 23 Nd5 Qb8 24 Bg5, etc. ; and after the comparatively safest 20 ...b6 White could also easily increase his advantage in space by continuing 21 b4 etc.} 21. Nxd6 Na4 22. c5 Nxb2 23. Re1 b5 24. cxb6 {! A surprising but not very complicated combination. The only difficulty consisted in the necessity of foreseeing this possibility several moves before, when making the capture 21 Nxd6.} Qxd6 25. Qxd6 Rxd6 26. bxa7 Bb7 27. Bc5 Rdd8 28. Bxf8 Kxf8 29. Bxc6 Bxc6 30. Rxc6 Ra8 {The last moves of Black were practically forced and, his position being absolutely hopeless, he prefers a quick end. If, instead of this, 30 Bd4 then 31 Rd6, also winning immediately.} 31. Rb6 Rxa7 32. Rb8# 1-0

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