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C65 Ruy Lopez (Berlin Defense)
Spanish Game: General
Paul Morphy vs Adolf Anderssen, 1858
1-0, 21 moves
www.chessgames.com id =  1019058 (#251)
[Event "Paris"]
[Site "Paris"]
[Date "1858.??.??"]
[EventDate "?"]
[Round "?"]
[Result "1-0"]
[White "Paul Morphy"]
[Black "Adolf Anderssen"]
[ECO "C65"]
[WhiteElo "?"]
[BlackElo "?"]
[PlyCount "41"]
1.e4 {Notes by Lowenthal} e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Nf6 4.d4 Nxd4 5.Nxd4 exd4 6.e5 c6 {A weak move and the cause of all subsequent embarrassment.} 7.O-O cxb5 8.Bg5 {Much stronger play then taking the Knight at once.} Be7 {The only correct reply. If ...h6 White can play either Re1 or exf6 and in each case win with ease.} 9.exf6 Bxf6 {...gxf6 would have been equally bad, for White's reply would have been Qxd4, with a won game.} 10.Re1+ Kf8 11.Bxf6 Qxf6 12.c3 d5 13.cxd4 Be6 14.Nc3 a6 15.Re5 Rd8 16.Qb3 Qe7 17.Rae1 {Vigorously and ably followed up.} g5 {Apprehensive of the advance of the f pawn.} 18.Qd1 Qf6 19.R1e3 Rg8 {Losing the game offhand; it was previously, however, past all recovery.} 20.Rxe6 1-0

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